Meet Our Team

Helen Wilson
Traditional Osteopathic Practitioner
D.O.M.P., D.Sc.O., M.B.A., B.S.
Helen Wilson is a Traditional Osteopathic Practitioner passionate about helping people heal and feel at ease in their bodies. She studied and graduated from the Canadian College of Osteopathy as a D.O.M.P., completing five years of coursework in 2013. Then in 2015, Helen presented her clinical protocol before an international jury and upon acceptance, began three years of research and study. In 2018, she completed her thesis, titled, ‘Normalization of the Costodiaphragmatic Recesses and Effect on Lung Capacity in Asthmatics as Measured by Spirometer,’ and presented it successfully to an international jury in Toronto in November 2018, earning her D.Sc.O.
Helen is a D.O.M.P. and self-proclaimed human body mechanic using manipulative practice to treat pain, circulatory issues, inflammation, adhesions and more. Her patients report that this traditional hands-on osteopathic approach enables them to move more freely, enhance flexibility, diminish pain, sleep better, experience more energy and live life more fully.
Helen is currently in her 4th year of a 10-year post graduate program studying Biodynamic Osteopathy. She is also studying Matrix Repatterning and is in the process of getting certified in this modality.
In private practice in Michigan since 2009, Helen also has a B.S, an M.B.A. and is certified in a number of additional areas:
- NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) Certified Practitioner
- ACT (Auricular Chromotherapy) Certified Practitioner
- Acupuncture Detox Specialist
- NADA (National Acupuncture Detox Association)
- Certified Yoga Therapist (500 training hours)
- Phoenix Rising School of Yoga Therapy
- Certified Yoga Instructor (200 training hours)
- Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health
- Anusara Yoga Alignment and Therapy Training (600+ training hours) from several Senior Anusara Instructors including: Doug Keller, Jenny Otto and Betsey Downing
Helen uses a blend of hands-on treatment modalities that patients report help with alignment, pain, inflammation issues and adhesions as well as circulation and fluidic flow such as: cerebral spinal fluid, interstitial tissue fluid, venous and arterial flow. Helen requests patients play an active role and take ownership of their healing and overall wellness by assigning simple tasks and short homework exercises to help them heal faster.

Erin Rose
Osteopath (current study)
C.S.T., N.H.E.
Erin’s mission is to build healthy relationships and to honor every living being with respect. She brings more than 12 years of experience to Wilson Wellness.
Attaining her Liberal Arts Degree (Magna Cum Laude) in 2011, a 4 Year Degree in Holistic Health in 2013, simultaneously studying to be a Natural Health Educator, she completed two additional years of training graduating in 2014.
In 2023, Erin went back to school to be an Osteopath (Current Study), completed Matrix Repatterning Foundational training and pursuing additional coursework with a focus on pediatrics in Osteopathy.
Erin’s foundational healing therapies include: CranioSacral, Functional Normalization, Light Healing Touch, Breathwork, Nutrition, Iridology, Muscle Response Testing, and the dynamics of subtle energy bodies and nervous system pathways.

Robert Ball III
Positional Release Massage Therapist
Robert is a Naturopathic Doctor, Massage Therapist, Trainer, Life Coach and Energy Worker, with a multifaceted approach to healing. Skilled in the art of massage therapy, he employs positional release techniques as a foundation for muscular retraining. A former athlete, Robert intimately understands the myriad of injuries that active individuals face, which propelled him into the therapeutic field.
Robert holds a degree from Michigan State University, where he studied Music, English and Public Relations. His journey into therapeutic practice began after a transformative three-year period in New York City, followed by a return to his native Detroit in the wake of a family tragedy. Seeking to heal himself and others, he trained in massage therapy at Irene’s School of Myomassology and pursued naturopathic studies with local herbalists and at the Michigan Institute of Natural Health.
His zest for life is reflected in his participation in adventure racing and golf, alongside his travels throughout the U.S. and South America. Now based in Detroit, Robert is dedicated to offering his diverse range of services to those in need, continuing his mission to enhance the well-being of every individual he encounters.

Kim Bozin, Admin. Assistant & Scheduler
Kim was born and raised in Michigan, but relocated to Windsor, Ontario in 1998 after meeting her Canadian husband. She currently resides in Amherstburg, Ontario. Prior to joining Wilson Wellness as an administrative assistant, Kim worked in direct sales and child care. She also has experience in the retail, hospitality, medical and insurance industries. Kim loves spending time with her family, friends, and her animals. She also enjoys being surrounded by nature, especially being close to water.